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celosia cristata celosia plumosa

Common name: cockscomb celosia

Botanical Name: celosia cristata, celosia plumosa

Origin: tropical origins South Africa and India

Colours: many including cerise, red, pink and green

There are two types of celosia, cristata which has a crinkled,  brain like appearance, also know as cockscomb celosia. The second is plumosa which has a pointed shape and feathery plume.  It is a member of the amaranthus family and plumosa celosia bears a slight resembalance to upright amaranthus .  It is mainly available April to October.

It is not very well known in the UK, but it’s amazing appearance and velvety texture always cause a stir when it is seen.  It’s available in many vibrant colours such as cerise pink, orange, red, and purple, as well as some paler shades of pink and green.  The leaves are normally removed, as they serve no purpose and are not long lasting.  The flower has a good vase life of up to two weeks.

It works particularly well in modern designs due to it’s unusual appearance.  The autumnal bouquet pictured below has orange cristata celosia in it and various other textured flowers which provide a rich and varied bouquet.

celosia bouquet
